Saturday, February 18, 2012

Water Week

This week was pretty low-key. Apparently there was some sort of holiday on Monday and Tuesday so on Tuesday, we all decided to go to the beach. The beach is only like 45 minutes away from the Aldea and in order to get there, you have to take what are called combi's. A combi is basically a bus, but is in a normal van. We take these every weekend to get from the Aldea into Trujillo because they only cost s/2.00.
So anyway, we went to the beach and just sunbathed the whole day. The water was nice too and it made me realize that I can no longer go back to Utah where there is no beach or ocean.

The only bad part about this trip was that I am kind of dumb and didn't really put sunscreen on. I did put some on my shoulders and nose, but that's it and everywhere else I got sunburned so so bad!!! So, hopefully I have learned my lesson and will now put on sunscreen, especially when I go to the beach (which will be often).

Here is Peru there is a big festival going on called Carnival. It mostly takes place in Cajamarca, which is several hours away from Trujillo. What Carnival is is basically just a big massive water fight and the other interns here and I really wanted to go. Unfortunately that didn't end up happening because we couldn't find a hostel to stay in. But here in Peru everyone knows that it's Carnival and the kids have been saying for weeks that they really wanted to do Carnival at the Aldea.

So on Wednesday, one of the interns here named Wendy, decided for some reason that I do not know, wanted to throw water at me. So, it was hot, and I let her do it. Later, when the kids found out, they decided to chase her around trying to throw water at her. After Wendy was soaked, she decided that we needed to get Jayde, who is another intern. So we all got water in cups and bowls and waited for her to come over before we all threw water at her. The only problem is that this time it started an all out water fight with the kids and us three interns. It was so much fun and made me realize that you haven't ever really had a water fight until you have it with like 30 kids under the age of 14.

On Thursday, we decided to have a proper water fight. By this, I mean that we filled up water balloons and told the kids (and got permission) that we were going to have Carnival. Oh my goodness, you would think that we told them that Justin Bieber was coming to the Aldea. After filling up 2 big buckets, one water pitcher, and one trough/bucket like thing, we started. Those water balloons went so fast, but that didn't matter at all. Some of the kids grabbed the buckets and started filling those up with water to throw at each other as well as us interns. After, I was so wet, I could ring out my clothes, they were so full of water.

This week has gone by so unbelievably fast. In just a week from today, I will be 22. That is so beyond crazy. Apparently there is a tradition here at the Aldea that when the intern's have a birthday here, the kids get to throw eggs at them. Why, I have no idea. But I really hope that it doesn't happen to me, I don't particularly want to be covered in raw eggs....


  1. The beach is so beautiful! I am super jealous, the snow just isn't really doing it for me. The water fight looked really fun and I good luck with the egg-throwing. I feel like that would hurt pretty bad, but you're tough... right? I hope you have a great week!!

    I love you and I miss you!


  2. What a georgous picture of the beach, water and skyline!!! I love it! No wonder Utah doesn't score!!! All we got this weekend was snow! However, as much as I hate the cold.... it looks beautiful too!

    Great water fight..... I remember a time when you and your sibling ran through the rain and got totally drenched too.... that was a fun day!!!!

    Keep up the good work!

    Don't forget your sunscreen!!!!

