Saturday, February 25, 2012

Feb. 25 Update

Wow, This week has been so much fun!! Even though it may not seem like it, it's been a crazy week. haha

First off, before I talk about this past week, I need to go back to last weekend. Last weekend, I got to go to Chan Chan. Chan Chan is a really old temple that was built by the Native's here in Trujilllo before the Inca's came from the South and conquered them. The entire thing is huge and built out of sand, so this causes the problem of it being torn down by the winds and rain. So, even though some of it is still original, some of it has been reconstructed in order to see what it use to look like before. All I can say is wow!! I love history and the people that we stay with on the weekends, their daughter Candy who has become my Peruvian sister came with Jayde and I. She told us so much about the place and what different rooms were used for, I won't have learned or enjoyed it nearly as much if she hadn't come with us.

So, that was my weekend in the city. This week back at the Aldea has definitely been eventful. First off, one of the interns here found out she has lice!! haha  Some of the kids here have lice, so she ended up getting it from one of them. The other 2 interns who have been here for about 6 months say that it's completely normal and that both of us will probably get it by the time we leave. I WILL NOT GET LICE!!!!!!!!! There is no way on the earth that I will get lice (and probably because I say that, I will most likely get them). I have never had lice, and I never will.

This week for one of our art classes, we put paint on the kids hands and made hand prints on paper. It was surprisingly not messy. It took a couple of times for them to understand that when they put their hand down, they can't move it because then it messes the print up, but they did finally get it. After doing the normal just one color, we started to get creative and I did two colors on each hand, and ended up turning the hand prints into a flag. haha

Part of our day here at the Aldea is to do some type of sport or exercise in the afternoon. After doing the usual types of sports like futball and volleyball, it starts to get tricky to play games that they want to participate in. So, we ended up teaching the kids Capture the Flag at the beginning of this week, and I'm pretty sure I have played that game at least 5 times in the past 3 days. I have never seen a group of kids go so crazy over capture the flag. They would climb these trees that I can't even begin to describe how one could even climb it in the first place, and put the flag in it. And after every one game, they would ask if we could play again, and the same thing the next day, and the next....

On a fun note, one day we ended up putting our TV outside on our back porch and put on a movie for some of the kids to watch. Kids are not allowed in our casa (house), so we had to come up with a way for them to be able to watch a movie on our TV. They ended up watching "The Little Mermaid" which was so much fun to listen to in Spanish because they even dubbed the songs over. haha you have never heard "Under the Sea" until you have listened to in Spanish, that I can tell you.

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