Saturday, April 7, 2012

Short Week

Since this Sunday is Easter, here in South America is having what is called Holy Week. I'm not going to lie, I don't really know much about it, but we do get Thursday and Friday off so that's good enough for me. This means that I was only at the Aldea for 3 days this week, but it felt like a lot longer. It is probably because we are taking next week off to travel so I'm really excited and want time to go faster. As always though, before I start talking about last weekend....

Nothing super exciting happened this past weekend. The only thing that we really did was go to the market to buy some stuff. Yes, the same market where I got my wallet stolen only a couple of weeks ago, but I felt like I needed to show this place who's boss!!! haha Ya, so instead of chickening out, I went and had a good time. I found some awesome sandals that are totally Peruvian that I absolutely love. And to think that I may have never had gotten them if I wouldn't have gotten my wallet stolen. Yes, I know it's a long stretch but I'm trying to stay positive. Then on Sunday I watched General Conference. I did miss being at home with the family, sitting in our pajamas and eating my Dad's cinnamon rolls that he always makes. But, it was an interesting experience to be able to watch it in a completely different country and know that millions of people are watching the exact same thing as me. That's what's so amazing about the Church, how no matter where you go or where you are, it's still going to be the same in Peru as it is in Utah.

Now, onward into this week....

If you remember from last week, we made a fort with some of the kids. Well, apparently it made an impression on them because a bunch of kids came to me again and asked if we could make a "casita", aka little house, again. I said sure so they came in and we set up the parachute, boxes, and chairs again. One little girl in particular named Stephenie ended up taking charge. It soon became a game of house where she was the mother and would tell the other kids where their rooms where located and when they should "go to bed" or "take a bath". It was super cute, but soon so kids were in our casita there was no air to breath as well as it was starting to get out of hand, so we had to end the fun.

Sarali is a total monkey
Cool climbing tree
This week we also taught some of the younger kids how to play toilet tag. We showed them to sit on the person's knee and push the person's hand down to untag them. They did catch on quickly and it soon became quite fun. Jayde and I did have to be careful when we "sat down" on the kids knees to flush them. haha it was crazy, but unfortunately they lost interest. After that, we all played around in the tree that is located in the middle of the aldea. The way that is has grown is so cool that it's super easy to climb it clear up to the top. I'm not quite so as willing as the kids to climb all the way up to the top, but they are basically monkeys are can climb a straight pole if they wanted too.

Lastly, the aldea is starting to make an effort to clean up the trash. So they had bins made with different signs on them to indicate what type of trash is suppose to go in there. They want to get the kids involved with it as well, so they had a type of assembly where they talked to the kids about how important it was to recycle and keep the aldea clean. Naturally, I didn't understand a whole lot of it, but the kids got really into it and couldn't hold still when they wanted to answer the questions they got asked. So hopefully it sticks and we start to do more recycling around here.

Bins for recycling
Q & A session

Well, since this week was short, I got to come back into Trujillo and spend a couple of days there. On both Thursday and Friday I went to two different beaches, Huanchaco and Chicama. They are both fun, but so different. On Thursday it was rainy and on Friday it was windy, but it was still warm so I'm not going to complain. Especially when I know that it showed in Utah. haha Well, I probably won't get next week updated because I am taking my week off for traveling. Saturday night I head to Lima then from there to Iquitos for a couple of days then we head back to Lima and continue onward down to Cuzco to visit Machu Pichu. We don't get back until next Sunday evening and will have to go straight back to the aldea. So everyone have a great next 2 weeks, and I will try and update as soon as I can. I'm so excited!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Eliza and I love the tree's and wish we could come and climb them with you:) The assembly sounded fun and is always good for the kids to get involved in recycling. We hope you have a FABULOUS time traveling and seeing more of Peru. Be safe and we'll look forward to hearing all about it. Love you!!
    The Family
