This week has been fairly eventful, but as always, let us start with last weekend. Last weekend, Jayde and I met up with Dale and Alessandra (the American's we met during the week) and headed out to some ruins called Huacas del Sol y Luna. It's kind of like Chan Chan, but it is more or an actual temple where only sacrifices and such were done, no one actually lived there. Also, unlike Chan Chan, it is completely authentic (meaning that it hasn't been reconstructed or rebuilt) so everything is how is was when it was discovered. It was way cool, even though the guide that we had only spoke Spanish so Dale and Alessandra had to try and interpret what he was saying for me. Unfortunately, only the Luna Temple is open, so we couldn't go and see the Sol Temple. There are parts in the temple that are still painted too. One story that the guy told us was two warriors would fight with really big staffs and the loser was the one who got knocked out. Then all the losers would then be killed and sacrificed to the gods. Crazy, huh?

Since school is back as I said last week, during the day we tend to spend time with the babies and little kids. There is one baby in particular who I have fallen in love with. Her name is Fatima and she is less than 1 year old. She is so cute and sweet and if I could, I would totally take her home with me when I leave Peru. She is always just so happy and I love making her smile :)

This week, I got the opportunity to wake up at 6:45 every morning and ride with kids in the back of the truck to school. YAY!!! It actually wasn't that bad looking back on it, but I didn't like being up so early every day. My job was to sit in the back of the truck and to make sure all the kids are sitting down the whole time. But it is definitely not just some quite drive in the morning, here in Peru people drive really really fast, so we tend to fly down the road in the mornings. I do enjoy seeing them in the mornings because they all have to wear uniforms to school and they all look so cute in them. haha
Each week, we rotate to difference casa's so we end up eating with all the kids after several weeks. This week I ate in casa 8 which is where a lot of the older girls live. There are a few girls there however who are little or who are quite special. So, when I go over for lunch and dinner, we tend to play around until it is time to eat. There are 3 in particular who tend to fight over my attention. haha I have never felt so loved until 3 girls are sitting there fighting over who gets to play with my hair or sit on my lap. It does make me wish that I could accommodate all of them, but unfortunately I can not.
I can't believe how fast time has seemed to fly down here in Peru. I almost have about 1 1/2 months left and I just look back and wonder where the time has gone. I truly can't even begin to imagine having to leave this place and saying goodbye to the kids...
What darling kids! You are doing such an awesome job and loving them is the most. Important! Enjoy every minute