Saturday, January 28, 2012

Week of January 23

This week has gone by so fast, I can't believe that it's already Saturday. With that being said, I don't feel like a lot has happened since last week. Haha
One thing that probably stands out to me the most is my deathly encounter with the biggest beetles I've ever seen in my life!! Often times, when the kids find some sort of bug or something they think is so cool, they end up knocking on our door and it usually ends up being at like 8:30 AM. So we get the knock and then to our surprise we open the door to two boys holding the most gigantic beetles ever!

The kids told us they are called unicorn beetles or something like that. they are ubber scary looking too! You have to keep them seperated because if you put them down together, they start to fight with each others, which amused the boys to no end. They also found it funny to try and sneak up behind us and put them in our hair. Even though they didn't actually get them that close, it was still not funny! I however was extremely brave, for I actually held one....

As you can tell by my face, I was totally calm and collected during the whole experience...
After "playing" with these beetles for about an hour, my friend Jayde decided to get a good picture of her trying to kiss it. But, when she leaned down, the beetle suddenly sprouted wings and flew away. You have never seen 3 girls scream so loud and run so fast in your entire life. We had no idea that they could fly, I truly saw my life flash before my eyes....

During the week, we have art with some of the younger kids 3 times a week, so sometimes it's difficult to come up with ideas that a 3-4 year old can do. But, we did end up playing with play-dough. We had a ton of fun, and us interns felt like little kids again. My roommate Jayde made a cute little pig that on of the kids, Luis Fernando, fell in love with and wanted to keep. But unfortunately, we had to put everything back in the end. One thing that did surprise us was that one of the kids, Daybis was scared of the play-dough. We kept trying to get him to play with it, but every time he would start crying and run away. This is one of the first times, I have ever heard of anyone having a fear of play-dough!! If Oprah had a show, we could take him on  it and she could cure him. haha

Also during the week, we teach English to some of the older kids. They are so smart and catch on really quick. Right now, we are just doing basics like the alphabet, colors, numbers, and we added fruit this week. You can tell that some are much more interested in it than other kids, but that's how it is with any type of class kids take. Like I said though, the kids can pick up it quite quickly and soon they will probably now more English than I know Spanish...

Before I finish, there is one more story that must be told. Here at the Aldea, the government is doing an inventory of something like that. So there are like 4-5 guys walking around the Aldea doing stuff this past week. On Thursday, one of the other interns, Frances, was asked by this creepy guy kept staring at us this whole time he was there, to take her picture. Then, he gets some of the tia's (the women who basically run each casa and take care of the kids) to ask Frances to take a picture of the two of them together! Creepy, right? Well, the three of us are watching all of this happen and laughing hysterically but then one of the other guys, who is much older, asks if he can take a picture with all four of us. That definitely stopped our laughter. I don't really understand why people want pictures of us when they don't even know who we are, but it will probably happen again in the future unfortunately. 


  1. Love the face! It says it all especially when we know how much you LOVE bugs. English classes looked fun and so does the play dough. Have a great week! Love you, The Family

  2. Oh many those bugs are nasty! I cannot believe you actually touched one! Who knows, by the time you get back, you may love bugs!

    Love you,

  3. I can't believe that you are holding that bug!!! Love the picture though. And... what a darling little boy!!!

    Hope you are having fun!
